
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Italian Roasted Peppers--Austin-Style!

Sorry--corny, but couldn't resist.
I started this cooking day out planning to make a new recipe for Italian Red Pepper Jelly from the Cooking Channel*, but I accidentally (talking on the phone of course) overcooked the jam and ended up tossing the entire congealed mess down the garbage disposal.

Since I had purchased a dozen beautiful Weck jars from Williams Sonoma, I decided instead to make Italian roasted peppers--Austin style! While I had never added hot chile peppers to the recipe, the idea of adding a little heat sounded like a nice Texas change-up. This is a very rustic recipe and you really can't mess it up. So add as much or as little heat as you like, or none at all! More garlic, less get the point.  Make it your own, just like I did.

Roasted green and red peppers and small, but spicy hot Fresno chile peppers
 are combined with olive oil, toasted and fresh garlic, and basil.
Begin by charring all of the peppers. If you don't have a gas cook top, use your oven and broil the peppers on a foil-lined cookie sheet for easier clean-up. You can also use your outside gas grill on high. Turn with tongs until all sides are blistered and blackened. Set aside to cool. You might want to wear gloves for the next part, especially if you are sensitive to chile oils. Be careful not to touch your face or eyes.

Gently peel off the blackened skin and remove the stems. Slice the peppers open and remove seeds using the back of a knife or a small spoon. Try to remove as many of the seeds as possible. If you like, you can rinse lightly, but be sure to pat dry before proceeding.

Beautiful melange of roasted red, green, and hot Fresno chile peppers,
seeded, torn into pieces, and coated with a wonderful Italian themed marinade.
Use good quality extra-virgin olive oil and cover the peppers. Toss to coat.
I found these great small jars made by Weck at Williams Sonoma.
To add to the visual appeal, I left a few Fresno hot peppers and charred garlic cloves whole.
Smear that whole garlic clove and a bit of the red pepper
on a piece of toasted bread for a spicy treat.
Divide the pepper mixture into the jars.
Cover with any remaining olive oil mixture or additional olive oil as needed.
Ready to seal with a garnish of whole Fresno peppers and grilled garlic cloves,
What a beautiful spicy gift!

Austin Style Italian Roasted Peppers
Fills six 12.5 ounce Weck glass jars

Printable Recipe

1/2 lbs. Fresno red chili peppers
1 lb. green bell pepper

1 lb. red bell pepper
Garlic, whole and coarsely chopped
Fresh basil, coarsely chopped or sliced into a chiffonade
Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Char all peppers until completely blackened. Set aside to cool. In a heavy skillet, preferably cast iron, char whole garlic cloves until bits are blackened and cloves have softened a bit. Set aside a whole Fresno pepper and 2 or 3 whole garlic cloves to garnish each jar.

When cool (wear gloves if needed), remove stems from peppers, remove seeds and split open. You can either tear into individual slivers or use a knife for a more precise cut. I like the more rustic tearing method. Place torn pepper slices in a bowl and set aside. 

Coarsely chop garlic cloves and add to bowl. Chop or chiffonade basil leaves (fancy word for rolling leaves together and slicing into thin strips) and add to bowl. 

Pour enough olive oil to completely cover peppers and gently toss to coat. Add a small amount of balsamic vinegar and taste. Adjust as needed. Season with salt and pepper and toss again. Set aside for a few hours for flavors to meld before filling jars.

Place whole garlic pieces and Fresno peppers into the bottom of each jar. Fill and top with any remaining oil mixture from bowl, or if needed, add extra virgin olive oil to cover peppers completely. Wipe any residue on edge of jars and seal. Refrigerate until ready to serve, but bring to room temperature before serving.   

Roasted peppers are excellent served with fresh or toasted Italian bread slices, or as part of a cheese tray. Serve as a condiment for steak, grilled chicken or fish, or toss with fresh pasta. 


Packed and ready to pass on to friends,
Austin Style Italian Roasted Peppers.

 *In case you're interested here is the link for David Rocco's pepper jam, which sounded wonderful:

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